07 September 2009

Kids clothes

Alright, so how do you organize the clothes your kids have outgrown - I feel like they are taking over and we only have 4 years worth of clothes!

So this is what I have been doing so far.  Monday is my laundry day so when something comes out of the wash that I know was too small the last time they wore it I put it in boxes to save for the inevitable "next child".  Each of my boxes has about 6 months worth of clothes, labeled accoridng to size.  I keep the boxes on the shelf above the laundry so I can put them away immediately.  Recently some of the boxes were VERY full so I decided to downsize.  I just wish there was an easier way!

I would love to hear you ideas!!!!!


Rachel said...

I think your method is better than mine. I supposedly keep everything in giant plastic bins. When the girls used to be farther apart in size I would have to drag out the appropriate bin when Lilli got there, but now that they're only a size apart, I just put anything that Elizabeth outgrows in Lilli's closet. And I throw everything Lilli has grown out of onto the top shelf of her closet. I'm supposed to be putting that stuff in bins, but I haven't done it yet. There is a scary looking mountain in there!

Emily Jamison said...

I keep the boxes tucked away in the garage with lables: 2TG (size 2T girl), 3-6 mo.G, or Summer 2010, etc. Then I keep one box in the house for Miscelaneous sizes and seasons. So when I do laundry and find stuff outgrown or out of season, it goes in the MISC box and then twice a year when the seasons change I sort the MISC stuff into the boxes they belong into and they go back in the garage.

Emily Jamison said...

I also keep a meticulous inventory in a spreadsheet on my computer. Then when something comes into the house (like a bag of clothes from a friend :))) then I write down the sizes of things to add to my inventory sheet. Likewise, things are subtracted when they leave the house for Goodwill or the consignment shop. Once a week when I do my budget, I quickly look at my scrap of paper with inventory stuff to add and subtract and I update my inventories. :) It's really easier than it sounds. :)

gowshika said...

Really well done for the blog.these are so sweet and pretty!
Kids Clothes